Procrastination needs time and space.
Just open the website on a desktop device.

Deleting Computer– giphy
Me and my Computer – Notepad

Me: “Ok, let’s start with the homework and do some web research on the connection between procrastination and internet addiction.”

Also me ten minutes later: “Wow this dog is so cute! Let’s watch some more of these.“

Probably computers are today’s procrastination tool number one. They are workplace and entertainment machine, library and cinema, typewriter and social media access point. Millions of possibilities are housed in laptops and smartphones and to switch between two paths it just needs a simple click. Even if we have the intention to do work related tasks, temptations lurk around every corner. Websites like YouTube provide tutorials and science communication next to music and funny animal videos. Social media smartphone apps like instagram are programmed to keep us inside the app as long as possible, so we watch more ads. Ads that are fitted to our interests trying to sell us more products.

There are several studies showing correlations between procrastination and internet or smartphone addiction. In a study with high school students procrastination in combination with internet addiction even showed connections to depressive symptomatology. So how to get out of the circle of depression and addiction to our computers? We will get to this later.

Dog at Work – giphy
What happens when we procrastinate – Notepad

When we procrastinate, one particular psychological force works against us: resistance. Resistance is the tension we feel inside when we are working on constructive things.

It would actually be good to do some physical exercises. The thought of going to the gym or going out for a run is much more tiring and uncomfortable than the thing we are doing at the moment. The more important a thing is to my personal growth, the greater the resistance.

But how to deal with this resistance? You could also say that this kind of inner tension can be seen as a compass for your own progress. If I am afraid to do something and therefore perhaps leave it alone altogether, it seems to be important for me. My own perfectionism keeps me from doing it, because the thought that everything that could arise is terrible slows me down too much.

Exercise – giphy
Trash – giphy
Best of Jersey Shore Season 3 – YouTube
Donald Trump – giphy
Procrastination and Resistance – Notepad

Does procrastination then mean to go on the rampage against one's own will? The worker who doesn't want to work goes on strike to set a sign for better working conditions. Are we rebelling against our own compass? Or are we subconsciously protecting ourselves from burn-out?

Procrastination means one thing above all: deceleration. I no longer do what is expected of me. I am no longer under pressure to do something and can devote myself to much more exciting things.

Finally, by procrastinating, I create a place for myself that has infinite room for creativity in which everything is allowed. After all, this is how many people succeed in doing the best things. Without pressure and criticism, with lots of praise and niceties.
But it would be much more important to face the fear of creating something terrible and just start.

Bob Marley – Get Up, Stand Up – YouTube
The Internet – Special Affair/Curse – YouTube
The Internet 1995 – YouTube
Microsoft Internet Explorer – Wikipedia
Paint – Source:

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